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Should You Enroll in KDP Select? KDP Select Explained Visually (Infographic)

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Should You Enroll in KDP Select? KDP Select Explained Visually (Infographic)

KDP Select…

To enroll or not to enroll?

That is the question… The question that is on the mind of many self-publishers who are in the midst of publishing their eBook on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. Whilst there is no one right answer to this question, there are a couple specific elements that you need to know and understand about KDP Select to make the right decision for yourself.

We have made this infographic with the intention of helping you gain a better understand of this program. First, the infographic takes you through all the benefits – gaining accessing to promotional tools like kindle free promotions & kindle countdown deals, gaining more income streams from Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners Lending Library programs. And to give you the whole picture, the one trade off that KDP Select requires you to make is discussed as well.

What are your thoughts about KDP Select? Will you enroll and get the benefits or will you go wide? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section down below.

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