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Chrome Extension
See sales, royalties and other critical metrics for any book on Amazon.
Niche Finder
Filter through a database of 200+ million books to quickly find great opportunities for niches and keywords.
Category History
See historical top selling book charts to predict future seasonal trends.
Trademark Checker
Check the trademark status of any term by searching through databases of the US (USPTO) and EU (EUIPO).
Keyword Research Tool
Quickly understand the real demand and competition for different niches and keywords.
Reverse Keyword Tool
Discover the keywords any book ranks for. Use them in your title, KDP keywords, or ad targeting.
Keyword Filler
Maximize all 7 KDP keyword fields to boost your book’s visibility and reach on Amazon.
Track & Optimization
Category Explorer
Filter through our database of 45,000+ Amazon book categories and select the best ones for your books.
Listing Optimizer
Analyze the listing of any book on Amazon & get customized suggestions on how to improve conversion rates quickly.
Description Formatter
Create beautifully formatted book descriptions with ease.
Book Tracker
Track any book on Amazon and follow it’s performance over time.
BookBeam Create
AI Assistant
Create high-quality book outlines, descriptions and customer research reports.
AI Editor
Quickly edit drafts of various sizes with diverse editing styles, while maintaining precise control of each change.
Opt-In Page Builder
Create professional looking email opt-in pages in minutes. Save on hosting and email marketing service costs.
Free Tools
Chrome Extension Lite
The free tier of the BookBeam Chrome Extension.
Print Royalty Calculator
See how much you will earn per book sold at different price points.
Book Sales Calculator
Estimate the daily and monthly sales rates by converting Amazon sales rank.
KENP Royalty Calculator
Estimate your royalties from Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program.
eBook Royalty Calculator
Calculate your Kindle eBook royalty at different price points and royalty rates.
Help Center
Learn about how to make the most out of our tools and learn more about Amazon self-publishing.
Contact Support
Have an issue that you need hep with? We’re happy to help!
About Us
Chrome Extension
See sales, royalties and other critical metrics for any book on Amazon.
Niche Finder
Filter through a database of 200+ million books to quickly find great opportunities for niches and keywords.
Category History
See historical top selling book charts to predict future seasonal trends.
Trademark Checker
Check the trademark status of any term by searching through databases of the US (USPTO) and EU (EUIPO).
Keyword Research Tool
Quickly understand the real demand and competition for different niches and keywords.
Reverse Keyword Tool
Discover the keywords any book ranks for. Use them in your title, KDP keywords, or ad targeting.
Keyword Filler
Maximize all 7 KDP keyword fields to boost your book’s visibility and reach on Amazon.
Track & Optimization
Category Explorer
Filter through our database of 45,000+ Amazon book categories and select the best ones for your books.
Listing Optimizer
Analyze the listing of any book on Amazon & get customized suggestions on how to improve conversion rates quickly.
Description Formatter
Create beautifully formatted book descriptions with ease.
Book Tracker
Track any book on Amazon and follow it’s performance over time.
BookBeam Create
AI Assistant
Create high-quality book outlines, descriptions and customer research reports.
AI Editor
Quickly edit drafts of various sizes with diverse editing styles, while maintaining precise control of each change.
Opt-In Page Builder
Create professional looking email opt-in pages in minutes. Save on hosting and email marketing service costs.
Free Tools
Chrome Extension Lite
The free tier of the BookBeam Chrome Extension.
Print Royalty Calculator
See how much you will earn per book sold at different price points.
Book Sales Calculator
Estimate the daily and monthly sales rates by converting Amazon sales rank.
KENP Royalty Calculator
Estimate your royalties from Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program.
eBook Royalty Calculator
Calculate your Kindle eBook royalty at different price points and royalty rates.
Help Center
Learn about how to make the most out of our tools and learn more about Amazon self-publishing.
Contact Support
Have an issue that you need hep with? We’re happy to help!
About Us
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