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Oct 28, 2021

Quarter 4, 2021

New: Advanced Page Statistics on the Chrome Extension

  • Chrome Extension Update: Advanced Page Statistics on the BookBeam Chrome Extension

Added a new page statistics section inside the Chrome Extension wherein you will be able to see more detailed statistics for search and category pages. This page will help you to gain a better understanding of specific niches and keywords.

Here are some highlights:

Best seller’s rank distribution graph

The BSR distribution graph gives you a comparison of all the best seller ranks on this page from highest to lowest. This will let you get a better grasp of the disparity of book sales within a search page or on a keyword.

Self-published %

See the percentage of books that were self-published.

Format distribution

See the distribution between the main book formats – print, kindle, and audio.

Average Pages

The average page count of all books on this page. Gage where you stand relative to the highest-selling books within a niche.

Average Age

See the average age of all books on this page. Gain a better understanding of how old a niche is.

Ranges for price and best seller’s rank

See the highest and lowest ranges for best sellers rank and price to get a better gage of variation within a category or niche.